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Why AN Event Exclusively for women, non-Binary and gender-queer individuals?
We know these events aren't the final solution and they certainly don't fix the root cause of what is wrong in the tech industry. It's not perfect and it's not meant to be.
By providing a safe and supportive environment at our hackathons, women, non-binary, and gender-queer individuals from all backgrounds and experience levels can enjoy an accessible, approachable, positive experience. They can explore their technical abilities, meet others and learn, without the headwinds of the dominant culture that exists in technology today.
Do I need to Be A Woman to Participate?
This event is open to anyone who identifies as a woman or a non-binary individual. We ask that all participants include their preferred pronouns on their name tags and use the preferred pronouns of others. We require participants abide by the code of conduct ensuring a safe space for women and non-binary individuals. And our bathrooms are gender-neutral.
Do I Need to be a Programmer to Participate?
Nope! When we gather at the start of the event, we will form well-rounded, diverse teams consisting of idea people, designers, data people, testers, and programmers. We believe this is the most successful way to work - diverse teams, diverse skills, diverse experience - whether at a hackathon or in a business setting.
I Don't Have A Team Yet. Can I Still Participate?
YES! The hackathon is a great place to meet new friends. We'll form teams at the event kickoff.
I can't Stay for the Whole Weekend. Can I still Participate?
Nope. Given the intense schedule, we've found this to be too disruptive to the teams. We do offer other ways of participating as a volunteer or mentor.
Do I Have To Stay Overnight?
Nope. We break at 10 PM Saturday night for a good night sleep and reconvene again on Sunday morning at 8 AM.
What Should I bring?
Bring a laptop and a charger. If you're pitching an idea that requires anything else, we suggest you bring that as well - mobile devices and other hardware - as we may not have it on hand.
I'm Nursing. Do you have Space for me?
Yes! We'll have a dedicated mother's room just for you.
What Accessibility Accommodations Are available?
We are dedicated to making everyone feel welcome in our space. If you need any specific accommodations, please email us and we will make it happen.
DO I HAVE to be 18?
Affirmative. Attendees must be 18 or older. In some cases, we may be able to make an exception with parental approval and consent.
I'm a Recruiter. Can I attend?
During the hackathon, attendees are hard at work. We welcome you to check out our sponsorship options as we have packages that cater toward your recruiting efforts. And you are always welcome at the demos (Sunday afternoon).
Can I Bring An Existing Project?
Nope. This weekend is about starting something from scratch with a newly formed team. You can bring an idea you've been thinking about and pitch it and you can also come with friends and try to be on the same team. But you may not bring an existing project and existing team to further the development of that project at this event.
Do You Have A Code of Conduct?
Yes. You can find it right here. It is also linked at the bottom of every page on this site.
How Can I Help?
We'd love some help! Check out this page for more info.