Women in Tech and Startups - The Real Journey — Hack the Gap

Women in Tech and Startups - The Real Journey

That feeling when you finish your demo after a hackathon.

That feeling when you finish your demo after a hackathon.

Want to know what really comes out of a hackathon? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve been following 100 hackathon alumni since the 2015 and 2016 Hack the Gap hackathons. Some of attendees left inspired to change jobs, some expanded their network in the tech community, and a handful have ventured off to start their own companies.

Given that Twin Cities Startup Week is upon us again--one of the very best weeks of the year in the startup capital of the north--we are putting together an event for you demonstrating the potential of what a hackathon can set into motion. You'll hear from women who have started their own business post hackathon.

Join us to hear the stories of Hack the Gap alumni and what they have been working on in the last two years, followed by a discussion about the unique journey of women in tech and startups.

Leading up to the event, we will announce the speakers on Twitter. So, don’t forget to follow us @hackthegap.